
My name is Matt, and I'm a Software Engineer.

I started working in 1996 by writing tables on the Notepad and not trusting that new thing called "FrontPage" and its crazy redundancies... Lots of spare time back then for a dev, so I was also designing, until I moved to London ten years later and specialised in coding.

I've been around and seen a few things.

Working by myself? Yes.
Working in teams? Yes.
Corporate, dealing with stakeholders? Yes.
Agencies, dealing with the client? Yes.
Managing a team of one? Yes.
Managing a team of ten? Also.
Top brands, with millions of subscribers? Yep.
Government site, launched by the brass band playing in the town square and the cut of the ribbon? Why yes, that was actually my first project!

Why 940?

I was at the Uni, and I decided for reasons that I wanted to get graduated by December that year. In order to make it, I needed to pass 9 exams in 40 days. So I did. And that memory came handy when shopping for a super-short url...

Any questions? Contact me on LinkedIn.